Keyboard shortcuts
If you have the Command palette enabled, You can use Ctrl/Cmd+P
to bring it up, which will show you all currently available commands and their keyboard shortcuts.
Most keyboard shortcuts can be defined for your needs in Settings => Hotkeys.
The list of default Keyboard shortcuts is:
Function | Shortcut | |
Editor: save file | Ctrl/Cmd S |
Create new note | Ctrl/Cmd N |
Open command palette | Ctrl/Cmd P |
Open quick switcher | Ctrl/Cmd O |
Search in all files | Ctrl/Cmd-Shift F |
Open graph view | Ctrl/Cmd G |
Star current file | Blank | |
Unstar current file | Blank | |
Audio recorder: start recording | Blank | |
Audio recorder: stop recording | Blank | |
Open Markdown converter | Blank | |
Open today's note | Blank | |
Create new Zettelkasten note | Blank | |
Open random note | Blank | |
Navigate back | Ctrl/Cmd-alt ← |
Navigate forward | Ctrl/Cmd-alt → |
Open vault location | Blank | |
Use dark mode | Blank | |
Use light mode | Blank | |
Search current file | Ctrl/Cmd F |
Toggle edit/preview mode | Ctrl/Cmd E |
Delete current file | Blank | |
Split vertical | Blank | |
Split horizontal | Blank | |
Close active pane | Blank | |
Close all other panes | Blank | |
Open settings | Ctrl/Cmd , |
Function | | Shortcut
-------------------- | - | ------------
Bold Selected Text | | Ctrl/Cmd
Italic Selected Text | | Ctrl/Cmd
Insert External link | | Ctrl/Cmd
Indent | | Ctrl/Cmd ]
Unindent | | Ctrl/Cmd [