202008281634IMF核心是MOC by姚

鸡哥, 大概了解了一下, 感觉IMF笔记法核心是MOC,
https://forum.obsidian.md/t/on-the-process-of-making-mocs/1060 这个链接是作者写的MOCs创建教程, 可以补充到教程里

https://forum.obsidian.md/t/in-what-ways-can-we-form-useful-relationships-between-notes-long-read/702 这个是IMF作者对各个管理系统的评价, 主要是评价了文件夹、标签等, 然后就夸了一下MOC, 鸡哥可以把这链接加上

- MOCs maintain their fluidity: As opposed to folders, MOCs are nondestructive, non-restrictive, non-limiting perspectives. Unlike a folder, you are not forced to use them to access your notes. MOCs are “overlays” that add relevant information but that don't affect the base content.
- MOCs 主张它们的流动性,这和文件夹不同,MOCs 具有非破坏性和非限制性,不会强迫你去使用这个结构来进入你的笔记。它们只是一个“覆盖层”,在不影响笔记基本内容的前提下,增添相关的信息。
- MOCs allow for limitless flexibility: Unlike folders or Table of Contents (TOC), MOCs are not hierarchical. They are [[Heterarchy|heterarchial]]. This means that, [[MOCs can map the same info in different ways|multiple maps organizing the same info in different ways]] to fit whatever persepective the note is for.
- MOCs 允许无限制的灵活度。不像文件夹或者TOC,MOCs 并不是一个分层的系统。它们是 heterarchial(等级制的?和 hierarchical 有什么区别。。),多张地图将同一个信息用不同方式组织起来,以契合不同笔记所关注的角度。
- hierarchical:A hierarchical system or organization is one in which people have different ranks or positions, depending on how important they are. 分层的,等级森严的。
